How Online Reviews Lead to More Revenue

It used to be that gatekeepers—publicists, brands, advertising agencies—told us everything we needed to know about what movies to watch, the best way to lose weight and how to make our mouths minty and fresh. But online reviews, social media and celebrities on Twitter brought the curtain crashing down. Now, if you want to buy, […]

Google My Business Webinar: Key Takeaways

Our Connectivity/Google webinar was hopping Wednesday. We welcomed curious and dedicated participants who had plenty of smart questions about a subject we all contemplate: How do people discover brands online? Heather Wilburn, Google’s Global Solutions Lead, was our guest presenter, and a fabulous fount of information on all things Google. Below are some key takeaways […]

Part 2: Online Marketing Is So High School: a Connectivity Blog Series

Step 2: Get Popular It is super important that you find a community before you worry too much about being popular. (If you missed this step, see last week’s post.) Gaining and maintaining popularity can take quite a bit of time and energy, so be sure it’s not displaced. In my case, I built popularity as […]