The Top Four Performance Indicators for Conversions and SEO
One of the biggest challenges for business owners and marketers is putting their analytics data to good use. Analytics tools have become more powerful, but according to Content Marketing Institute, 76% of marketers feel measurement is important yet only 29% believe they’re doing it well. Additionally, 52% of marketers don’t have a formal method of […]
How to Use “Near Me” Mobile Searches to Improve Your Traffic
Consumers seek immediately accessible information, and that often means they’re looking for it on their smartphones. Thanks to GPS, consumers don’t have to type in their city or region to conduct a local search—they can simply search for a specific type of business and add the words “near me” (“closest” and “nearby” also get used). […]
Adwords, Bing, Facebook Ads: The Best Paid Search Platform for You
Unless you have lots of money, you’re probably picky about where you spend your advertising dollars. Three popular online advertising programs are Google AdWords, Bing Ads and Facebook Ads. Figuring out which is best for you is like solving a Rubik’s Cube: there are many sides and angles to consider. Understanding how these advertising programs […]
7 SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Hey, we all make SEO mistakes. Sometimes we get overly enthusiastic and post an article that’s so keyword heavy it no longer uses proper sentences. Or we link to fantastic articles we love, but forget to check periodically to make sure the links still work. These mistakes might seem small, but they affect your credibility—and […]
SEO vs. SEM: What’s the Difference?
People looking to increase their online presence have been urged to pay attention to their SEO and SEM practices. Entire industries have sprung up around offering clients web optimization services to increase their audience. But for many people, SEO and SEM are vague concepts that have little relation to getting customers in the door of […]
How to Promote Your Business Locally through Media
With the prevalence of social media, it’s easy to forget that you can still promote your business in the local media and that local media remains a powerful way to inform the public about your services. Some promotional services, like advertising, require you to spend large amounts of money. But there are other less costly […]
16 Places Your Business Needs to Be Listed Online
Google suggests that up to 94% of consumers go online to get information before making a purchase. And why not? The internet provides customers with quick, easy access to valuable information. Whether they’re going online to compare reviews, locate a store that carries a product they need, or find your company’s address, what customers do […]