Local Business in a Big City: How to Become a Cornerstone

local business in a big city connectivity

Business owners, big and small, dream of becoming beloved in their community. They want their business to be the one that customers recommend to their friends and family—and most importantly, the one that local customers trust. This is difficult enough to do in a small town, but in a big city with plenty of competition, […]

Is Your Advertising Paying Off? 7 KPIs for Local Business

kpis for local biz connectivity

You’ve paid for advertising, but you can’t tell if it’s working. Perhaps the increase in umbrellas sold is because of an ad you ran, or maybe it’s just because of the recent rainfall. If you’re going to spend money on advertising, you need to keep track of your key performance indicators (KPIs) to see if […]

How to Advertise Locally Online … for FREE!


If you’re a small business owner you probably don’t have piles of money lying around to advertise your business—all of your money is likely going towards running your business! That’s okay, because in this age of PVRs and online newspapers, traditional advertising isn’t the only way to guarantee success. Here are some great ways to advertise […]

9 Location Based Apps You Need to Sign up For


Location based apps aren’t just about knowing where people are, they’re about taking action based on those locations, and they help you run your business. From sending coupons via text messages to navigating traffic jams to checking in on the status of a delivery, here are nine of the best location based apps we’ve come […]

The Best Location Based Apps and Services for Small Business


As a small business owner, knowing which digital tools you need to sign up for to market your business can be challenging. There are thousands of location based apps and services to choose from, and you may not know where to start. To help you out, we’ve narrowed these down by category and picked the […]