When you’re focused on business growth, it’s easy to put all your efforts into building a website, making cold calls and sending out mailers. While those methods can help, there are other, more effective ways for you to grow your customer base. Here are four methods to help improve your lead generation:

Network, Network, Network

Business is all about relationships. Networking not only helps you grow your company, but it also helps you prevent burnout since you’re socializing with like-minded professionals. Look for industry events on sites such as Meetup or Eventbrite, and participate. At the event, swap business cards with others and add connections on LinkedIn. Be sure to send a follow-up email to your new connections. Let them know it was great to meet them and that you would like to keep in touch.

Embrace Content Marketing

Content is king when it comes to marketing today. Blogs, ebooks, whitepapers, email newsletters, videos—each of these platforms can showcase your expertise and get prospects excited about your product. But it’s not enough to just put content out on the web. You need a way to cut through the noise, since content shock is one of the biggest challenges marketing professionals face today. The best ways to stand out from the competition are to focus on a specific niche, present a unique voice, and develop a solid content promotion strategy.

Create Informative Landing Pages

If you’re trying to sell a specific online offering, collect email addresses or encourage prospects to call your business, landing pages are essential for your marketing strategy. Landing pages have one purpose—to boost conversions. If you’re selling a specific product or service, focus on offering a free trial or exclusive discount. If your product is complex, highlight a few key features and then direct the user to a buyer’s guide.

Gather the Right Information

A marketing insights hub is essential to making informed decisions about your growth strategy. Besides your website, customers use social networks, business review sites and even phone calls to learn about your business.

Are you aware of what people think of your brand? With Connectivity’s Reviews and Social Media Monitoring tool, you can track online mentions of your company and quickly address questions and concerns, while using customer feedback to improve your marketing efforts. And Connectivity’s Customer Insights product records whenever someone contacts you by adding their demographic and geographic information to a growing database, which captures potential leads you may not have known existed before.

When it comes to finding leads for your business, the possibilities are endless. It’s all a matter of figuring out whether or not you’re focusing on the right methods and going beyond traditional manual cold calls to create a dynamic, growing customer list.

Click here for more information about Connectivity’s Customer Insights product and how it can help you generate new leads for your company.

Photo: Kudla/Shutterstock

Alex Harris is the Eastern Region Sales Manager for Connectivity.