What Social Media Mistakes of Big Businesses Teach Us


Social media is a must for any business in the 21st century. Whether large or small, businesses can turn to social media platforms to promote their products and services, engage new and existing customers, and increase brand awareness. Sure, mistakes happen and things can be deleted, but that doesn’t mean people forget. This is why […]

What Is Facebook Place Tips and How Can You Use it?


Thanks to social media, local businesses are able to connect with their customers in ways that were unimaginable a few years ago. Facebook’s Place Tips is a new service being rolled out across the U.S. this year, and it could change the way your business interacts with its customers. What is Facebook Place Tips? Place […]

7 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page


These days, many customers connect with their favorite businesses with social media, but just because you have a Facebook page, it doesn’t mean customers know about it or are engaged with it. Here are eight things you can do to promote your Facebook page, increase likes, and get more traffic in your store. Post engaging, […]

7 Tips to Convert Social Media Followers into Paying Customers


Having social media followers is great, but even if you have 10,000 followers on any given platform, it does nothing for you if they aren’t actually coming into your business. Here are seven tips to convert social media followers into paying customers. Top photo credit: Jay Mantri Ready to learn more? Get our Guide to Social […]

Should You Use LinkedIn Advertising for Your Business?

If you run a small business, you might ask where your marketing time and money are best spent. When it comes to digital marketing, there are so many options you’re bound to find one that fits your needs, but you might wind up feeling as though you’d have better luck picking the winning lottery numbers—that’s […]